Lighthouse Theatre, Warrnambool

Warrnambool City Council
Warrnambool VIC, in Gunditj Mara country
$8m contract value

The new architecture adds to and alters the old in a manner that brings a co-ordinated design approach to intertwine many benefits into the one design solution.

The design comprises significant upgrades in amenity, acoustic separation between performance and function areas, the functional flexibility of the Studio space, and the opening up of former built fabric such as the sandstone wall and arched door opening that once provided access into the former Town Hall. The new foyer provides an opportunity for the theatre to present itself to the passers-by in the street and promote the performing arts housed within. 

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The building redevelopment updates its level of amenity for all users, from staff to patrons, with improved access with ramps and lift to current day standards, and access platforms that provide for ease of theatre equipment handling and movement.

Ecological sustainability is improved with lower energy consumption fittings and fixtures, efficient air handling within a tighter building envelope and high performance solar glazing to the Foyer façade areas. 

Photos: Peter Hyatt

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